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Shipping Information

What are your delivery times?

Our usual day of shipping is every Tuesday for Wednesday arrival. If you require Monday or Wednesday shipment, please let us know at least 2-3 days prior.

How much will shipping cost?

We offer door delivery to anywhere in Australia (including rural) for a flat rate of $50. Delivery costs for dry goods will depend on the item.

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

Not at this stage, Australia only.

My Order

How can I cancel my order?

Due to the nature of our products we usually don't offer cancellations or refunds. We can issue a store credit.

What if I receive the wrong product?

Please message the page on the day with photos and we will rectify the issue to the best of our abilities.

Do you offer exchanges for faulty items?

Yes, we will need to test for the fault and if eligible we will issue a replacement.


How do I return my product?

Returns are only eligible for dry goods, NOT livestock. Dry goods must be unused & unopened and within 14 days of purchase.

How do I care for my product?

We will be uploading care guides for certain species and if you have any questions, you can message the page for 24/7 assistance.

Do you offer extended warranties?

For dry goods, not at this stage.

Why is there a tax charge?

All website transactions will have a 1.6% surcharge fee. If that is not suitable, we are also able to take direct deposit (bank transfer) without any fees. Please message our page or mobile for details.

Still have A Question?

Fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff will be in contact ASAP. Looking forward to speaking with you soon.
